On this edition of the Plastic Podcast we chat about some of the films we saw at this year's Toronto International Film Festival.
0:00 Intro
2:28 35 Shots of Rum (Denis)
4:29 Festival Anxiety, Goodbye Solo (Bahrani)
5:44 Listmaking
7:39 Rachel Getting Married (Demme)
9:31 Still Walking (Kore-eda)
12:20 Summer Hours (Assayas)
14:15 Snow (Begic)
15:04 Rain (Govan)
15:53 Experimental Films: Nathaniel Dorsky
19:26 Experimental Films: James Benning
22:25 The Wrestler (Aronofsky)
24:55 Slumdog Millionaire (Boyle)
27:57 Che (Soderbergh)
33:02 Dislikes
36:25 Two-Legged Horse (Makhmalbaf)
38:23 Outro
Further Reading
- Index of our Toronto coverage
- Video of Variety's Robert Koehler, The Village Voice/L.A. Weekly's Scott Foundas, and Cinema Scope's Mark Peranson and Andrew Tracy kvetching (or if you prefer whingein') about the festival.
- Audio of SpoutBlog's Karina Longworth and Kevin Kelly talking about TIFF and sharing a funny anecdote about seeing Burn After Reading while sitting next to noisy celebs.
- Audio of James Rocchi and David Poland talking about TIFF and offering, among other opinions, spirited defenses of Che and Slumdog Millionaire.
Finally got a chance to listen to this baby. You've got me Jonesin' to see the Dorsky and Benning films, that's for sure! Hope the Dorskys make it to town soon (the Benning plays in Berkeley next Tuesday). And it's nice to hear a rare negative take on Slumdog Millionaire. From the way J. Robert describes it, it sounds like a lock to be my least favorite Best Picture nominee at this year's Oscars.
You know, another thing that we didn't mention in the podcast -- although I believe we chatted about it in Toronto -- was that the guy in Slumdog Millionare who is suspected of cheating on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire is not just questioned by the police but tortured! As in strung up by his hands, beat up, and electrocuted. For possibly ripping off a game show! Well, that's India for ya. (Ahem.)